Q. Can I unsubscribe (I am a user)?

A. All active user accounts receive daily morning assistant notifications from Advantage Anywhere. You may also receive appointment and task notifications, notifications of new leads, click-throughs on your emails or webpages, and other user set and requested notifications. As an Active user, you will be notified up upcoming training, system updates, modifications, outages, changes in licensing, subscriptions status or other company generated notices which originate outside of the Advantage Anywhere platform.
We recommend you continue to receive these messages for both productivity and to stay informed regarding your organization’s Advantage Anywhere platform. Should you wish to not receive a type of notification, we recommend setting inbox rules to filter messages by subject line and not cease all notifications.
The unsubscribe/no spam checkmark on your corresponding user contact record will cease all communications from your organizations Advantage Anywhere platform. Please note if you choose to enable this unsubscribe/no spam feature, you will no longer receive appointment and task notifications, notifications of new leads, click-throughs on your emails or webpages, and other user set and requested notifications.